The Best Tips for Creating Online Video Ads

Video Marketing

The best advertisements evoke emotion, and no advertisement does this better than video. It’s why television advertising became a multi-billion dollar industry. However, we’re seeing a shift from traditional TV ads to online video. It’s more cost-effective to produce and it’s placed right where your viewers are – online. Businesses and brands are enlisting the help of professional SEO services to develop video ads that are engaging. An SEO agency in Los Angeles can tie in all the right components to get your videos seen. This includes implementing SEO to boost rankings and arrange placements on users’ YouTube Channels.

YouTube clips allow more creative freedom than TV commercials. This also leaves plenty of room to make mistakes. Your ad should rub viewers in the right way, but when they don’t, prepare for a host of negative comments in the YouTube comments section, and social media shares. Make sure that any video of yours that goes viral is a positive one. A professional SEO service can provide sound advice about the creation and publishing of your video ad.

Here are some valuable tips to keep in mind when creating your video ads.

Keep Your Videos Brief

Viewers’ attention spans are minimal, so it’s recommended that video clips remain between 90 and 120 seconds. However, if you have a message that is straight forward, a minute or less would suffice. Research shows that people retrieve and retain data at a specific pace and in a specific linear order. The Internet allows longer ads, which can make the consumption of the content better.

Don’t Try to Be Funny

People love to laugh and are likely to share content that is humorous. This makes it tempting for businesses and brands to force humor into their ads. A video is more likely to go viral if the joke is smart and well-timed. Forcefully injecting a joke could prove disastrous for your campaign.

Use Clear Language

Avoid turning people off with technical jargon and buzzwords. Make sure your language is clear enough for the everyday person to understand. Steer clear of acronyms as well. The only time it’s alright to use business jargon is if you plan to break it down in a way that everyone will understand.

Help Viewers Envision Using Your Product

Develop a script that shows people using your product or service. Avoid the temptation to make your product seem bigger and better than it is. Consumers are smart and hate being lied to. This will backfire on your brand as a whole.

A professional SEO service can help with the development of your video ads to ensure they are aligned with your goals and audience.

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