Pay-Per Click Management Services

Successful ad campaigns on the internet involve a lot of planning, precision, measuring, and testing.

There are many PPC platforms that you can benefit from, which one is right for your business depends on your target market. A professional PPC management company keeps upto date with the best PPC practices for best ROI!

User traits: Generally white collar; university/college educated

PPC traits: more competition, world wide searches, more expensive.

User traits: Generally blue collar; less techy; older than 35

PPC traits: Mainly used by Americans, less competition, easier to stand out, less expensive

If you need customers immediately; and are ready to run a SUCCESSFUL PPC campaign


Q. What is the benefit of hiring a PPC management company?
A. PPC is a lot more than handing your Credit card over to Google or Bing. With PPC the devil’s in the details. Learn as you go mentality can cost you a lot of money FAST. Experts at PPC management company live and breath PPC. It’s best to leave the details to the experts and focus on running your business.
Q. Should I manage my own PPC campaign?
A. A good PPC management company can reduce your Cost per click by 50%-75%. SO think long and hard before you decide to tackle your own PPC campaign.
Q. I don’t spend much money on PPC.
A. The fact that you are running a PPC campaign is the sign that you need immediate customers. chances are that you are wasting a good portion of what you are spending and would be getting a better ROI if you hired a professional PPC agency to run the campaign for you.

Q. Why is PPC advertising costing me more now than when I first started?
A. PPC campaigns need to be optimized and tweaked for YOUR keywords because of autogenerated Google keywords. As time goes on most campaigns are not optimized as they should be so they end up costing customers more.

Social Media

Social Media channels may be a great PPC fit for your company.

  • 1.49 billion users
  • largest social network
  • advanced ad targeting capabilities for massive audience
  • saturated by brands so difficult to stand out
  • 364 million users
  • most popular professional network
  • composed of mature career oriented individuals
  • 65% B2B companies have acquired customers
  • over a billion users
  • 255 million active users
  • communication limited to 140 characters
  • short life span of posts
  • average age is 19-25
  • 70 million users
  • 68% women
  • 500,000 business accounts
  • 80% pins are repinned
  • pins with prices get 36% more likes than without
  • 300 million users
  • primarily mobile app
  • untapped audience by many brands
  • can share pictures and short videos
  • average sales order value is $66.75

74% of consumers use social media prior to making their purchase.

Highly specific target audience capabilities can generate best ROI for certain verticals.

Social Media PPC allows businesses with smaller budgets to reach new customers, and service them on the same platform.


Customer Management

  1. Can boost ad response up to 400%
  2. Retargeted customers are 4 times more likely to convert than new customers.
  3. Can boost branding and customer loyalty.

Email Marketing

Phases of Approach


57% of internet users are more likely to buy a product after getting a marketing email

For every spent on email marketing the average ROI is $44.25

72% of consumers check e-mail more than 6 times a day