Google Analytics offers several reports to help you understand where visitors come to your site.
By examining these reports, you will be able to answer several key questions.
- What are the main sources of traffic to our site?
- Beyond the gross number of visitors, are these visits interesting for us?
- What are the opportunities to seize to attract more qualified visitors?
- What are the keywords on which it is possible to optimize the referencing of the site?
- Do visits from social networks deserve the efforts we invest in them?
- Is our newsletter really getting results? etc.
In this article, we will see where to find these different reports in the Google Analytics interface, what information to look at exactly and how to use this same information to optimize your site and your traffic.
You are ready? So let’s start with the first report.
The overview of where your visitors come from:
Where: “Acquisition> Overview” (summary view) and “Acquisition> All traffic> Channels” (detailed view)
This first report is the easiest to enter, and a good introduction to the subject: it tells you quite clearly which the main sources of visitors are. “Overview” gives you a graphical and refined overview, while “All traffic > Channels” gives you more information.
As you can see by opening one or other of these reports, the visits to your site are divided into “Channels”: each channel is a medium which brings traffic to your site, in the same way as a canal brings water to its destination.
By default, your Google Analytics account distributes traffic to your site between 7 channels (You can modify this setting, but this is an advanced option that I do not recommend if you are not sure about yourself).
You now know where your visitors come from, but how do you use this information?
The role of this report is to help you analyse the distribution of traffic on your site: among the different types of visitor sources, which are effective and which need to be improved.
Start by examining where the majority of visitors to your site come from. What is the most represented channel in terms of number of visits and visitors? Which is the most underrepresented?
The number of visits is an interesting first indicator, but don’t limit yourself to volume! Also look at the quality of these tours depending on the channel.
How? ‘Or’ What’ for each channel, examine:
- What is the average time spent on the page?
- What is the number of page views per session?
- What is the bounce rate (= number of visitors who “bounce” on the page and immediately leave your site as soon as they arrive)
- What is the conversion rate for your goal?
- And compare these indicators from one channel to another or compared to the site average (“Average value for the view”).
This one is very important. Goals allow you to track whether your site is really effective and whether the pages are doing what you expect them to do. If the objectives do not appear on the report, it is probably because you have not yet configured the objectives.
Why this information in particular?
The time the visitor spends on your site and the number of pages they consult are good indicators of the interest of visitors arriving through this channel. Bounce time helps you assess whether the first page that visitors discovered when entering this channel met their expectations. And the conversion rate tells you which channels are most effective in helping you reach your goals.
The advantage of Google Analytics is to be able to analyse the traffic of its website easily and for free. Check the interaction of Internet users, who they are or what their behaviour is. Analyzing a site with Google Analytics will allow you to check the traffic rate, the visibility of your web pages, and the percentage of visitors, exit dashboards, and check the bounce rate or the conversion rate.
Analyzing a site with Google Analytics allows you to have a global and precise visibility of all the necessary indicators in order to understand what is performing and what is to be improved on your website. Google Analytics is one of the best analysis tools that offers you a unique, relevant and effective analytical tool.
Analyzing a site with Google Analytics is useful for all companies, associations, unions, and blogs wishing to make a full point at a time T on the state of their site. Have the number of visits, traffic sources, increase visibility and traffic, build loyalty and target by specific criteria. Analyzing a site with Google Analytics is also very effective for natural SEO, doing an SEO audit and knowing the keywords on which Internet users will be likely to launch requests.
How to use Google Analytics? To analyze a site with Google Analytics, you must already create your Google Analytics account in order to be able to access all the information concerning it. It is important to qualify the way people access your site.
Several criteria are important to take into account in order to analyze this information. To analyze a site with Google Analytics, you must compare the most read landing page in order to adapt its editorial content, analyze the loss of traffic, the number of sessions and visits to your site, the average duration of visitors’ on the site, if there is a drop in traffic, what are the key indicators, the number of page views. These are all essential indicators to understand what is happening on your website.
Analyzing a site with Google Analytics is an action to be carried out regularly to analyze the origin of natural traffic. This will help you sort through the actions to take to improve the content of the site.
In case of high Bounce Rate, analyzing a site with Google Analytics will allow us to think about the different tasks to come: what are the internal links and the external links to integrate, if there are redirects to be made, alerts and tags to set up, if the keywords used are the right ones or if others would be more relevant, the click rate, if your conversion tunnel is efficient.