How Do I Optimize My Website for Mobile?

Mobile Content

obile is becoming the #1 preferred platform for browsing the Internet. Numbers show that mobile users already outnumber desktop users. If you haven’t already optimized your site for mobile users, you’re setting up your site to fail. If you own a local small business in Los Angeles, an SEO company can provide professional SEO services to optimize your website for mobile.

Studies reveal that 60 percent of small and medium businesses find mobile solutions essential, however only 7 percent of small businesses have responsive website designs. This is mostly due to SMBs not having the time or resources to invest. Here are the areas that need to be addressed for a responsive design.

Page Speed

If your pages aren’t downloading fast enough, expect visitors to leave and never return. The first impression is everything, especially on the World Wide Web. Make sure that you minify the code, minimize redirects and leverage browser caching.

Avoid Blocking Images, Javascript and CSS

This is an old tactic that is now irrelevant. Smartphones today are capable of supporting these elements. Plus, Smartphone GoogleBot wants the ability to view and classify all of the content users see. It will also tell Google whether you have a site that is responsive.


As you’re designing your website, keep mobile users in mind. A lot of website owners incorporate the endless scrolling feature to accommodate mobile browsing. In this scenario, there’s no longer an “above the fold” to worry about. Here are a few things to keep in mind for a responsive design:

  • Avoid using Flash (not all phones supports it)
  • Avoid pop-ups (you ever tried pressing the little X on the box that pops up on your smartphone? Annoying, right?) You can almost guarantee that your bounce rate will soar.
  • Keep fat fingers in mind. Make sure that your design isn’t too small or crowded. Accidental clicks are more likely to happen if buttons are too big or small or in the path of scrolling fingers.

A professional SEO service provider can create a responsive design for your website.

Optimize for Local Search

If you own a Los Angeles business, an SEO company can help you optimize for local traffic. This will include standardizing your address, number, name and city and state within the metadata of your website. A professional that offers SEO services can ensure that this is done adequately.

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