Dos and Don’ts for Personalizing Your Internet Marketing

Knowing how to personalize your social media marketing is an art. Just the right recipe will help your company improve it’s search engine optimization rankings.

Digital marketing today revolves heavily around personalization. It helps brands to connect with customers and build meaningful relationships with them. This is key for creating loyal fans and potential brand ambassadors. The Internet has made it easy for local companies to take the data collected from their SEO campaigns and personalize their marketing efforts.

It’s important to note that there is a fine line between caring and creepy. There are boundaries you need to be aware of and refrain from crossing. You can learn a lot about your customers and potential customers via the data you collect from social media, email interactions and so on. Engaging with them is faster and easier, which also means there’s plenty of room for mistakes.

The following tips can be used to help keep your brand behind enemy lines.

Build Customer Personas

You should stay away from cookie cutter Internet marketing tactics. Instead, you should do your homework on customers and prospects and build personas around them. There’s plenty of information you can easily dig up about their likes and interests that are publicly shared on social media and other online venues. Try piecing this together with their habits to see how they relate to your service or product.

An SEO company in Los Angeles can help you build personas based on customer data.

Create a Dialogue with Customers

Your brand isn’t some omniscient entity that can’t be seen or interacted with. Show customers that you are human by starting conversations with them. This will open the doorway for them to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings about your brand and its products or services. Be prepared for criticisms, which may be valuable, and for praise, which can serve as social proof for the newcomers.

Avoid Being Too Intrusive

This is where things crossover from genuinely interested to downright creepy. You don’t want to come off as a brand that’s invasive, so draw the line in the sand. A great example of this is ad targeting. Some people find it a bit intrusive, especially when the ads they’re seeing are from a site they visited earlier in the day. Try to remain ethical throughout your interactions and promotions on social media, emails and wherever else you communicate with followers.

If your Los Angeles company is serious about personalizing its brand, then consider consulting with an SEO expert.

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