Checklist for Prepping Your Online Reputation for 2017

Companies no longer have the luxury of controlling the perception of their brands. At least, not without a solid online reputation management strategy. The internet has become the top resource consumers use to research businesses and its products and services. Back in the day, prospects would contact the customer service and sales department of these entities to learn more about the company. But no more.

We are able to easily bypass this step and rely on the information we come across on the world wide web. This makes it even more necessary for business owners to take their online reputation very seriously. Google can be your friend or your enemy, depending on the strategy you have in place. If you don’t already have one, then you should hightail it to an agency that offers online reputation management services. This is by far the quickest way to get everything organized and implemented.

There’s a lot of work that needs to be done, so get started as soon as possible. The following is a checklist you can use to help get everything in line for 2017.

Research Your Brand & See What You Find

It’s much easier to tweak or put together an online reputation management strategy when you know exactly what needs to be done. Maybe you have a slew of bad reviews that need to be tended to, or maybe you don’t show up in the search engine results at all. The only way to know is to simply Google your brand and any important persons associated with it. Once you know what problems you face, you can start cleaning up the mess. Don’t expect any strategy to fix and build your brand if it doesn’t first address current issues.

Consider Registering Your Name as a Domain

This is just for quality assurance. There are folks out there who will take advantage of this overlooked step and will purchase your name as a domain. They then have the upper hand to post information and content that will be seen first when users type your name into search engines. Once you buy this domain, you can use the website as a portfolio or bio page with your contact info, experience and so on. You are associated with your brand, so expect to be Googled. This is the best way to ensure you have some control over what people find.

Create Profiles Across All Major Social Sites

Again, this will ensure no one else takes on your persona pretending to be you. And it will help boost the SEO for your name. Do this for both your name and your company. You can create pages for your business to separate yourself. The more web properties you have, the more leverage you’ll have for ranking in search engines. The social platforms you should consider include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, Crunchbase and Slideshare. Make sure all of your profiles are optimized.

Consistently Publish Quality Content

It’s not enough to publish consistent crappy content, nor is it enough to post high-quality content every once in a while. You need to keep your audience engaged, and the best way to do that is to publish great content regularly. You can find online reputation management companies in Los Angeles that can create a content calendar, the content itself and publish it for you.

Be Engaging On Social Platforms

You’ve created all of these profiles, so put them to good use by getting in on the action. Start and join in conversations with your customers and prospects. Be relevant and human in the eyes of your audience and you’ll build trust and loyalty faster.

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