B2B Companies: Top Tips to Boost Social Media Shares

Social media isn’t just for business-to-consumer companies. Your brand can effectively market to other companies using LinkedIn, Facebook and even YouTube. Your content marketing strategy should definitely include social media marketing, which can be obtained from a number of companies that offer these services in Los Angeles.

How is your content being shared with your business audience? Without social media, the only online mediums you have to rely on are email and search engines. Your goal is to make it easier for your customers and prospects to find your brand.

What makes social media a great marketing option is that it allows you to post information about your business, which can then be shared among your audience. This is the new school way of spreading news via word of mouth.

If you’re considering using social media marketing services for your Los Angeles business, the following data will be beneficial for making a decision.

Consider Using Twitter

You’ll find a lot of B2B brands on Twitter, but this doesn’t go to say it can’t be used for B2B marketing. Social media marketing agencies have successfully used this medium to promote B2B companies. Data shows that a lot of the content shares that take place for B2B brands occur on Twitter. You’ll also find that many B2B blogs use Twitter as its primary venue for their posts.

Add Facebook and LinkedIn to Your Social Media Strategy

The number one social media network for B2B companies happens to be Facebook and LinkedIn. These are the two platforms where B2B companies get the most shares. Product and research news happen to perform the best on Facebook and industry trends and practical tips fare better on LinkedIn (according to a Buzz Sumo study that included 100 of the most popular B2B blogs). Keep this in mind when formulating your content marketing strategy for social media.

Avoid Pinterest and Google Plus

Out of the most popular social media networks, Google Plus and Pinterest happen to be the worst for B2B content. They aren’t bad platforms – they are just simply irrelevant. The only way around this is if your brand has high quality images to post.

Write List Posts

The best performing B2B content happens to be those written in list form. List posts tend to be popular in B2C markets as well. According to the same Buzz Sumo study, 30 percent of the most shared B2B posts were written in list format (i.e. Top 10 Ways to Sell More Shoes).

Teach Your Audience

The Internet is the number one resource for finding information. It has successfully trumped the local library, with most people turning to Google whenever they need answers. There are a lot of people, including business owners, who are looking for information online. Entrepreneurs are looking for tips on how to run their organizations better and grow successfully. This is why practical how-to and ways to articles account for more than 10 percent of the most shared B2B blogs on social media.

Teach your audience something and they will more than likely share it. The more shares you get, the more visibility your brand receives.

Get Personal with Your Titles

“You” and “your” aren’t just for consumer markets. This just so happens to appeal to the B2B sector as well. When you create titles for your posts, talk directly to your audience using “you” and “your”. Buzz Sumo numbers show this accounts for nearly one third of the top shared B2B articles.

Professional SEO service providers can be a big help for companies that are strategizing their social media marketing efforts. Consider hiring an agency to work out the kinks in your Internet marketing.

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