5 Ways to Promote Your Online Brand


If there’s anything you’ve learned about online marketing it’s that organic search is key to building your brand and generating sizable revenue. Having a great SEO strategy is key for creating buzz and directing traffic to your brand website. It’s the cheapest method you can use for online reputation management, but only if you use it correctly. Google has grown into a more complex AI with a long list of rules and regulations. The last thing you want to do is to violate Google and face penalties. It’s very difficult to earn a higher rank once you’ve lost your place in the SERPs.

Besides using Google, Bing and other search engines, you can implement social media marketing into your strategy as well. There are tons of different ways you can build up your business or personal brand, such as with the following techniques.

Build a Blog with High-Quality Content

A blog can help your brand in a number of ways – it’s why most online reputation management services recommend them. You can also try consulting with a business development expert who will more than likely point you in the same direction. Having a blog is only one part of the deal – you need to ensure you’re posting high-quality content consistently. People will become loyal followers if the content you make is relevant to their needs and is considered valuable.

Use Medium and Quora

These two channels are excellent for generating traffic to websites that are less than two years old. What you have to do is write a valuable piece of content on your blog that is keyword-centric, unique and insightful. Afterward, you write another article, but this time for one of these two platforms. You include a link to the blog post on your website. So the two should be related, but definitely not the same. For instance, you can offer an intro into a topic on Quora and then place a link in the article to your blog post, which delves deeper into the same or another related topic.

Get Involved in LinkedIn Groups

This is one of the quickest ways you can connect with others within your industry. Try promoting the content you write on LinkedIn groups. Just make sure the content you share is relevant and adds to the discussion being had in these groups. Otherwise, your posts will appear as spam – and no one likes spam. You can also connect with people in these groups that you aren’t currently connected to, so it’s a great way to expand your network.

Give Facebook Ads a Shot

The paid ads on Facebook can be very useful for reaching specific audiences. You can customize your campaigns to target specific geo locations, interests, ages and more. Then link these ads to personalized landing pages based on the audience you’re targeting with each ad. Having personalized landing pages is key for connecting with the traffic driven there and improving chances of them converting. Play around with different ad copy and squeeze pages to see which of them work the best.

Make YouTube Video Tutorials

Millions of people visit YouTube to watch how-to videos, so there’s definitely potential to reach a sizable audience. But the video content you produce must resonate with your audience. Research the common issues your customers have and how they can fix them with or without your products or services. Not every video has to center around your products and services, so just share your expertise relating to your industry and earn brownie points for doing so. After all, this is all about brand building.

Start off using these tips to improve your online reputation management skills.

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