Simple Strategy for Building a Personal Brand

social media marketingYour brand is more than just a logo and a tag line – it’s a public image that reflects your vision and voice, and adequately portrays this to the public. Surely, you know more about the McDonald’s brand than just it’s golden arches and “I’m lovin’ it” tagline. They have made a great effort to put themselves in the public eye, by sponsoring all types of events, from youth basketball to cancer. You have to be just as strategic, even when you’re building a personal brand. Companies and individuals alike can use social media marketing to achieve a more prominent place in the online realm.

If you’re committed to making your personal brand rock, then you have to build up an online presence. The best way to achieve this is to create and maintain social media accounts. You can do this yourself or with the help of services offered through social media marketing companies in Los Angeles.

But before you go and jump into the online social life, you need to have some sort of strategy in place. You need to be professional, authentic and authoritative. You also need to have a good grasp on what your competition are doing, especially on social media. Meanwhile, you can use the following tips to help put your personal brand on the path to recognition.

Your Headshot Needs to Be Professional

Image and branding are synchronous, so you need to make a great first impression with your profile headshot. Choose a face that best represents your personality and brand, without being offensive or coming off in the wrong light. Smile, squint, frown or smirk.

Use a Name People Know

As people get to know you, they will look you up on the net to find out more details. Make it easier for them to find you by using your real name in your social profiles, website and author profiles.

Lear How to Listen

Social media is more about listening, so you can have a better idea of what to talk about. You can learn a lot about your audience and target customer by paying more attention to what’s being said.

Reach Out to Influencers

It’s very hard to get your voice heard when no one knows you’re there. Simply opening up social media accounts won’t generate a steady flow of followers. What you can do is connect with influencers in your industry who aren’t competitors. See if you can write content for their site or even a brand mention on their social media page. This will grant you plenty of access to potential followers.

If you need assistance with your social media marketing strategy, then consult with an Internet marketing agency that offer these services.

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